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Solar Market Parity Italy

Πέμ 15 Ιουλ


Provincia di Varese

Also this year Sungrow is participating as a Lead Partner at the Solar Market Parity Italy, discussing long-term perspectives on O&M and asset management. Join us and learn all about revamping and repowering large scale solar plants in Italy.

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Solar Market Parity Italy
Solar Market Parity Italy

΄'Ωρα & Τοποθεσία

15 Ιουλ 2021, 9:00 π.μ. – 5:30 μ.μ. CEST

Provincia di Varese, Malpensa Terminal 1, S.S, 336, 21010 Ferno VA, Italy

Σχετικά με την εκδήλωση

Also this year Sungrow is participating as a Lead Partner at the Solar Market Parity Italy, discussing long-term perspectives on O&M and asset management. Join us and learn all about revamping and repowering large scale solar plants in Italy.

Κοινή χρήση αυτής της εκδήλωσης

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